Sunday, September 26, 2010


I’ve started making a concerted effort to talk to others.  So far this has included me mumbling at the sweet librarian who walks by the table where I study, awkwardly conversing with other students while I attempt to run away, and having long conversations with my laptop, who has become an excellent companion.  I can totally do this whole college thing.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blame in on the Alcohol

I hate meeting people when they’re drunk.  Here I am, all orange soda happy, and they start every conversation with “I’m not going to remember this in the morning, but…” I remember everything.  And I still have a good time.  It wasn’t that I was never going to drink in college, but after seeing others, I just really don’t want to now.

Monday, September 6, 2010

But Actually, School


Honors Philosophy Seminar
Introduction to American Politics
The American Novelist
Calculus II

School: 1000 Lila: 2

(The two are solely based on the fact that we got cookies in math class today)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Oh Right, School

Dear Senior Year,

How could you lure me into such a false sense of security?  Sure, I applied to colleges.  I believe it was 20, to be exact.  Supplements, personal statements, letters of recommendations, all of that was quite brutal in conjunction with 4 AP classes, the ACT, and all of those extracurricular activities.  You did not, however, prepare me for 300 pages of reading a week and papers due at an alarmingly constant rate.  My life has become so tragic so quickly.  And she was so young.
