Friday, October 22, 2010

The First First

Had my first kiss.  Oh God.  Not the good kind, but the oh God, why do I start talking to boys that I’m not terribly interested in so they get the wrong signals and Mother of All that is Holy, I really hope that I don’t get mononucleosis.  I never thought that this might be a concern until I came to this school.  The concept of “hooking up” is rather lost on me, but I’m pretty sure that it means that you make out with a guy, then see him the next day and have him ignore you.  This is probably for the best, since it was terribly awkward.  Do you remember when you were a good little child?  I almost miss those days.  But at least that milestone is out of the way?  I suppose that having your first kiss lying on the ground under the stars is meant to be romantic.  I can’t get the grass stains out of my jeans and I still have dirt in my hair.  I’m also pretty sure that I’m allergic to the weeds that we were on, since my arms have broken out in hives.  Romantic indeed.  My God.  All I can think of is “sucking mechanism” right now.  Whatever, I’m sure he’ll never talk to me again.

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