Friday, August 20, 2010


Every major novel, movie, or TV pilot starts with a major plot twit.  So here is mine:  College.  Not quite a twist, I realize, since this has been pretty much inevitable for the past 17 and a half years, but a twist for me.  I am attending a school that, for our purposes, we can call LAC.  If you'd like, you can refer to it as LA College or some variation, but if you must know, it stands for Liberal Arts College.  This is one of those safety procedures they tell me about when starting a blog to prevent questionable behavior from others.  But here, I'll give you a few hints: the school is in California (I'm as terrified as you are about this fact), it's ranked in most top 20 lists, and it is, as aforementioned, a liberal arts college.  Better get your magnifying glasses out--now there are only about 40 to choose from.  I'm sitting in my room in Maryland, packing my last suitcase while practically weeping to the Disney Channel.  Who knew that Lizzie McGuire could inspire such emotion?  Screwed.  I am totally screwed for tomorrow's hellish flight and even more hellish orientation.  I hate meeting new people.  (But more on that later).  This should be fun.

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